
You are dedicated to your craft. You have spent countless hours honing your skills. You have a boundless curiosity for the underlying theories and structure of communicating ideas. You are the artist who finds the connections between your medium and other communications media. You are the artist who relishes in a setback; after all, it's a new opportunity to learn and grow. Inspiration is more than a haphazard mode of thought requiring constant nurturing: it is your natural state of mind.

Lean Into Art is where you go when you're ready to push yourself as an artist in new ways. As a place to learn communication arts online it combines an art-journaling approach, the best of live and time-shifted classes, and a recognition system that encourages students to finish projects, give feedback, even participate in teaching.

It's a big art challenge - that's why we put the enticing warning in the name. You have to lean into it.

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LIA Cast 74 - Preparing for Opportunities

Listen to the MP3 here!

Our curveball once again hacks the show! We got an interesting question from Lee the other day:

Can misidentifying your tribe initially hurt your career/personal projects?

I keep following people who do what I do/what I want to do, but it feels like high school all over again with me not fitting neatly into any cliques. I feel like I must not be understanding what a tribe is, or how to find mine. What if a tribe doesn't exist for someone, they're too.... unusual? :<

If it is like high school, how can we learn from our past experiences to navigate these "tribes" to find the groups where we feel at home?

We build upon this with a tweet from Kazu Kibuishi, who always shares thought-provoking posts:

And this episode features the return of the Lean Into Art Quests! Check out Rob's An A-Team of Your Own, and share your efforts on Twitter with the #liaquest6 tag by April 24, 2013 to have it shown on the next episode.


Connect with Jerzy and Rob

LIA Cast 74 - Preparing for Opportunities

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